Matching PreCat Lacquer with brush on product?


I ordered interior hardwood doors and trim to update my home. I am having everything prefinished and they are using a pre cat lacquer as a clear coat (Sherwin Williams T77F57). I am going to be redoing a threshold and a couple pieces of trim and would like to match the appearance of the prefinished wood. I do not have a sprayer, so what would be my best bet for a brush-on topcoat that will look similar to the pre cat lacquer?

One Response

  1. I believe the 57 line of Pre-Cat lacquer is an MRE finish. This finish is somewhere between a semi-gloss and a satin. Try a satin finish and see if that suits the appearance. As for color, you will need to match with your existing stain. If the threshold is an exterior exposure you will need to use an exterior grade finish such as a spar varnish. Those are generally available in only a gloss finish.

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