Elastomeric Paint and heavy rain and freezing temps

We have a fairly new mountain home that, because of fire danger (it is located in the San Bernardino mountains in southern California), is concrete and steel construction.  The exterior finish is Santa Barbara style stucco.  The south side of the building gets pounded by rain and when the temperature

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Painting cracked stucco.

Please give a step by step plan to repair a ton of cracks and paint for a stucco house (14 yrs.) never been painted before. I don’t know if it needs to be cleaned and if it needs primer etc. I see elastomeric paint is best. I spoke to a painter,

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Elestomeric paint for ceiling with seasonal hairline cracks

Need to paint over large ceiling that has several stretchable caulked seasonal cracks. Can elastomeric paint be painted on to accommodate the seasonal contracting & expanding of the cracks without the paint flaking off due to the contracting phase?   The caulk itself is stretchable type. If not elastomeric, then what

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Dark blue emulsion leaves marks.

Hi, I have a very dark blue Matt emulsion wall. If you touch the wall it leaves white powdery finger marks. I use to have a similar colour & therefore problem on my stairs which I over painted as I thought it was the paint – obviously not. What can

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Painting Options for Garage Floor

Hi, I am about to paint my garage floor and would like to know what paint and process you recommend. The garage floor is approx. 30 years old and the current paint was done by the prior owner (we are here 14 yrs).  The paint is missing in the typical

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Bathroom Paint Issue

I painted my bathroom with satin Superpaint from Sherwin Williams. It is paint and primer in one. I painted over existing paint. After applying the second coat, while it was still wet, the paint began peeling off in sheets. It peeled clean off of the drywall. It only did it

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