Polyurethane Over Stain Problem
I stained my front door with several coats of stain. Once it dried applied polyurethane to clean dry surface and a white color appeared on most of the door. How do I remove the color and refinish the door?
I stained my front door with several coats of stain. Once it dried applied polyurethane to clean dry surface and a white color appeared on most of the door. How do I remove the color and refinish the door?
I am hoping to be able to stain the dark red cedar paneling to a light gray. Is it possible to get a light gray color on the paneling or should I just paint it? I really wanted the wood grain to come through but it is way too dark
I am working with a purple-colored wood and I want to keep the color exactly like it is. Do I need to use a sealer before putting on a clear gloss finish? I have used polyurethane and polyacrylic, both are changing the color of the cedar I am working with.
The doors have had multiple coast of varnish added over the years and we are trying to stripe them without much success.
I ordered interior hardwood doors and trim to update my home. I am having everything prefinished and they are using a pre cat lacquer as a clear coat (Sherwin Williams T77F57). I am going to be redoing a threshold and a couple pieces of trim and would like to match
stripped outside door of all paint, now its dark brown. How do I restore it to a natural color?
60 year old house with wood ceilings, lap board, but time has caused gaps between the boards. How can I seal between these boards and keep the natural finish? Gaps range between 1/16 and 3/8. Right now my heat is pouring into the attic.
I have solid wood doors stained walnut, which looks dated to me. The trim around windows is white. Can I stain over the doors, say in Ebony, for a more updated look? What color would you paint the trim?
A contractor recently restained our yellow pine wainscoting (very rustic and rough texture) and coated it with polyurethane (which we had asked he not do. Our once beautiful wainscoting is now a variation in light to very dark in different areas of our rec room. How can this be corrected
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