Bubbling, peeling chunks!

I just put a second coat of latex paint on and it started to bubble only on one wall, then peeled off in big chunks! The house is 5 years old and it looks like just a flat paint was thrown on the walls. How do I quickly fix this

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Behr Sateen finish paint.

I have been using Behr Sateen finish paint on the mouldings and trim throughout my house. Now, I need more and they’ve discontinued that finish. What else might compare to that finish? Home Depot pushed it as the great kitchen and bath finish, etc, and I really loved it, but

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Cracking Valspar

Just painted a half bath and it instantly cracked, little tiny box cracks. What would have caused this and what can I do?

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Bubbling Paint

We removed wallpaper from a small room, washed the walls and patched some areas then sanded the wall, applied Kilz primer and it is bubbling up. What can we do to solve this problem?

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Bubbles on garage door.

Last summer/late, I sanded my older wooden garage door exterior then used 2 coats of oil primer before finishing with a very dark Sherwin Williams “Aqua” latex paint. I didn’t paint the inside of the door but did seal all edges/sides. Looked beautiful for a month or so then coastal

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Crystalline Silica

After using the rest of the paint that my last painter left for touch ups, I noticed a warning that said “Contains crystalline silica which is very dangerous to health. Do not do any abrading, sanding, or scraping. Dust particle extremely dangerous etc”. Holy geez! I am now afraid to

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