1 Part epoxy-acrylic paint application.

Are these paints waterproof? Could they be used for the drywall walls of a shower stall? I have a fair amount of this paint, that was used for a concrete garage floor, and for me it would be simpler to apply and less expensive than a 2 parts epoxy paint.

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Crystalline Silica

I painted a bedroom with a flat enamel light colored paint and notice that there are comments online regarding the dangers of crystalline silica while breathing paint fumes and sanding. I also realized it’s may only be in flat enamel. I probably would have chosen eggshell if I knew this

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Concrete or Cinder Block Walls

What kind of paint do they use when they paint the walls in a school or bathrooms in stores that look like they were painted with plastic? They seem to fill up the pores and are so durable and shinny.

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Bubbles Appear as I Paint

Re-painting kitchen walls. Using the same paint we used in the living room (had no problems). But in the kitchen, small bubbles appear as I roll it on. How do I prevent that?

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Can you change the sheen with a colorless paint?

I have spent a lot of time faux painting a large room (4 shades!) I am happy with the color results, but wish that I had chosen eggshell sheen rather than flat for my paints. Is there a colorless water-based finish (similar to latex paint) that I can put on

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Coating Exterior Semi-Gloss

Is there a clear coat I can put over exterior semi gloss paint to protect it from hail and hard rain? I painted our metal awnings. Thanks for any help.

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