Polyurethane Varnish Over Polyurethane Latex Varnish


My question is; Can you put polyurethane varnish over poly. latex varnish?

2 Responses

  1. Yes you can. But, you will need to sand the surfaces first. Use 180 or 220 grit sandpaper or a fine sanding sponge to dull the sheen. This will help the new finish bond. Make sure to remove all of the dust with a tack rag before applying the new layer of polyurethane.

  2. Yes you can. But, you will need to sand the surfaces first. Use 180 or 220 grit sandpaper or a fine sanding sponge to dull the sheen. This will help the new finish bond. Make sure to remove all of the dust with a tack rag before applying the new layer of polyurethane.

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