Colour time for new house?

It is said that a new house will get cracks after one year. So do I apply primer and after one year go for proper paint? Situation is from India’s dry climate condition.

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Can primer be left on as paint?

I used the BIN primer from ZINSSER. It has a shellac in it. The owners before smoked and this is supposed to keep the smoke smell in the wall instead of in the house. The good news is that it seems to have worked and the primer has gone on

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Acrylic over Oil Base

I thought I was using oil base paint on my trim in my house…sent my husband to the store to buy the paint. When I finished the trim work I realized that it was acrylic not oil base. Am I in for a lot of stripping and sanding?

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Aluminum Trim

House has window trim wrapped in aluminum. What type of paint (water or oil) is used in the factory?

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