Dark corners after 2 coats of paint.

White rooms had not been painted in 20 years. Corners near ceiling had darkened. One room had been painted light blue (latex). Professional painters from a reputable company applied 2 coats of Aura matte ancient ivory paint the same day in all rooms. I still see darker corners. The formerly

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Bathroom Peeling Paint

Peeling paint in a bedroom. No apparent moisture. I also had a professional painter, scrap, plaster and re-paint. It is cracking and peeling. The wall under the paint looks purple and feels really hard. Like sheet rock. I think I need new drywall. uhh! Help.

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Best interior primer for new drywall?

I have just finished my basement with drywall and would like to put the best primer on the walls. I would like to know what brand name is the best on the market and should you use PVA primer? Also should you have them add the color to the primer

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Blistering Sticky Latex Paint

My ceiling was recently painted and a couple of weeks later we installed an automatic insect sprayer. It has made the ceiling paint blister and sticky. How do I repair this? I scraped off as much as I could but it’s still sticky. Thank you

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Best time to use elastomeric?

I live in Florida and I want to know when the best time of year and temperature to use the elastomeric paint or Loxon XP for the exterior of my cement block house?

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