Plaster of Paris Painting
My flate has new PoP ceiling. I want to make it white as cheap as possible. Can I directly apply putty on it? What is the best option ?
My flate has new PoP ceiling. I want to make it white as cheap as possible. Can I directly apply putty on it? What is the best option ?
I bought a house built in 1930.  We didn’t move our stuff in yet as we wanted to rip off the old wallpaper and put some fresh paint on the walls.  After ripping of the wallpaper we saw several large cracks in the plaster behind the paper. Around each crack
This weekend I noticed a brown line running through the ceiling in our dining room. It appears to be the outline of the drywall tape. At first I thought it was a leak since there is a bathroom above the dining room, but it only seems to be along the
I bought a condo that was built in 1979. The walls have been painted many times. I want to repaint my walls and ceilings, but the original texture on the sheetrock is really ugly. It is also very hard. I have taken one of those sanding blocks and by hand
I have two cracked paint spots on the living room ceiling. Do I need a painter that specializes in painting cracked spots? What do you recommend?
I removed wallpaper and removed the top layer off the drywall. Can I repair this?
Ceiling was never primed and I was able to remove with ease most of the old paint that separated from the drywall, right down to the drywall. However around the perimeter of the ceiling where there is spackling the paint will not come off. Is it good practice to apply
I have new drywall and want to use paint that includes primer. Will this cover it correctly?
Ceiling in foyer had been painted or sprayed during a remodel. Not sure which and also not sure with what surface paint. So to smooth out “mud” was applied over to remedy previous job. When mud dried there were bubbles or blisters throughout. What caused this and what should we
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