Bubbles in new paint.


I’m replacing some sheet rock in a bathroom. My trouble is while painting, the old sheet rock is bubbling up and the new paint will not stick. I’ve washed that walls down and it still does this. The new sheet rock accepts the paint fine but the older bubbles. What would be causing this? How can I fix this?

2 Responses

  1. Most likely there is some kind of surface contamination on the old sheet rock. Use either an oil base primer or shellac primer to seal it. This should stop the bubbling.

  2. The bubbling of old sheet rock during painting can be caused by several factors, including moisture issues, improper paint application, or the use of low-quality materials. One common reason for bubbling is the presence of trapped moisture within the old sheet rock that is released when new paint is applied. Another potential cause could be the use of incompatible paints that are not adhering properly to the surface.

    To fix this issue, you can try the following steps:
    1. Ensure the surface is completely dry before painting. Use a moisture meter to check for any hidden moisture pockets in the sheet rock.
    2. Sand down the bubbled areas to create a smooth surface for better paint adhesion.
    3. Apply a primer specifically designed for sealing porous surfaces like old sheet rock to create a stable base for the paint.
    4. Use a high-quality paint that is appropriate for the specific needs of the bathroom environment, such as a mildew-resistant or moisture-resistant paint.
    5. Apply thin, even coats of paint and allow sufficient drying time between coats to prevent bubbling.
    6. Consider consulting with a professional painter or contractor for additional guidance on addressing the issue if it persists.

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