Blistering Sticky Latex Paint


My ceiling was recently painted and a couple of weeks later we installed an automatic insect sprayer. It has made the ceiling paint blister and sticky. How do I repair this? I scraped off as much as I could but it’s still sticky. Thank you

2 Responses

  1. These products in my experience respond best to a water based grease cutter. Automatic dishwasher detergent dissolved in warm water works well for this purpose as it does not leave a residue to deter adhesion of the next coat.

  2. To repair the blistered and sticky ceiling paint caused by the automatic insect sprayer, you will need to follow these steps:

    1. Clean the affected area with warm water and a mild detergent to remove any residual spray residue.
    2. Sand the area lightly to smoothen the surface and remove any remaining blistered paint.
    3. Apply a coat of primer specifically designed for interior surfaces to seal the damaged area and promote adhesion. A tinted shellac would work best.
    4. Once the primer has dried, repaint the ceiling with a high-quality latex paint matching the existing color.
    5. Ensure proper ventilation while painting and allow sufficient drying time between coats as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
    6. Monitor the repaired area to ensure that the issue does not recur.

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