Cedar Garage Door Painting


Do we have to paint the inside of a cedar garage door to keep it from warping?

2 Responses

  1. Keeping your door from warping can only be accomplished best by a mechanical means… ie adding wood or metal strips etc to the inside to "stiffen" it…

    However it is always a good idea to "back prime" the door (using an exterior oil base wood primer)… and to make it even more eye appealing, topcoat that with an exterior acrylic high grade paint…

  2. Painting the inside of a cedar garage door is not necessary to prevent warping. Cedar is naturally resistant to warping due to its low density and natural oils that help it withstand moisture and humidity. Painting the inside of the door can add a nice effect to the garage making it brighter inside. It is recommended to use a high-quality exterior paint or stain to protect the cedar door effectively. Ultimately, while painting the inside of a cedar garage door is not required to prevent warping, it can be a beneficial step to maintain the door’s appearance and longevity.

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