Do I prime first or paint now has primer in it?

I have 1860 house. Had stucco, never painted. Eight years ago, DIYer removed stucco & painted. Paint peeled off. Been waiting for nature and now want to paint. Wood is still raw with little adhered paint. Do I prime first or paint now has primer in it? Latex okay?

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Ceiling Paint

Painted water based Kilz over 2 areas on ceiling…repainted with Valspar ceiling paint x 2 coats…both area painted with kiltz are visibly darker with drying for 24 hrs. Do I need to prime areas with another primer?

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Area = Paint Gallons

We are painting our interior walls and ceiling in our two-car garage and a separate single-car garage. The ceilings are 9′ high. Walls are 22.5’x 21’x22.5′. What retail paints are to be avoided and which retail paints are highly recommended? Are the paints at Lowe’s building supply high quality? Are

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Almost-black Paint

I painted one wall of my kitchen with an almost-black flat paint. Rollers didn’t leave any marks, etc, but when I passed lightly my clean hand over the well-dried paint my fingers left light marks. I made it worse when I tried to slightly clean it with a soft cloth.

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