Bubbles Appear as I Paint


Re-painting kitchen walls. Using the same paint we used in the living room (had no problems). But in the kitchen, small bubbles appear as I roll it on. How do I prevent that?

2 Responses

  1. Sand down the walls and apply a primer using Pigmented Shellac… then try a sample area… if the situation persists, buy NEW Paint…

  2. To prevent small bubbles from appearing when re-painting kitchen walls using the same paint as the living room, follow these steps:

    1. Clean the walls thoroughly to remove any grease, dirt, or residues that could interfere with the paint adhesion.
    2. Sand the walls lightly to create a smooth surface for the new paint to adhere to.
    3. Use a high-quality primer specifically designed for kitchen surfaces to promote better adhesion and prevent bubbling.
    4. Ensure proper ventilation in the kitchen to allow for adequate airflow while painting, which can help the paint dry evenly and prevent bubbles from forming.
    5. Mix the paint thoroughly before applying to ensure a consistent texture and prevent any air bubbles from being trapped in the paint.
    6. Apply the paint using a high-quality roller or brush in a uniform manner, avoiding overworking the paint which can lead to bubbles.
    7. Allow sufficient drying time between coats as applying a new coat before the previous one has dried properly can cause bubbling.
    8. Consider using a paint additive like Floetrol to improve the flow and leveling of the paint, reducing the chances of bubbles forming.

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