How to Choose Between Spray Painting and Paint Rolling


So, which is better: Spray painting or paint rolling?

While this may be one of the topics that might spring up in home improvement projects, the debate is still there – Which is better?

Nonetheless, both painting techniques are their own pros and cons. With that in mind, this article will explore both techniques, and try to formulate a consensus based on the findings:

Spray Painting

Spraying the outside siding of a house using an airless paint sprayer.Spray painting has already become known for its speed in wall painting. With that said, consider these scenarios when thinking about spray painting:

  • Spray painting is ideal for priming new and large interior spaces. Say that you’re remodeling. Whenever you’re remodeling, consider the surfaces a “blank canvas,” meaning that you’re starting from scratch. In other words, spray painting is best used in the early phases of remodeling, while covering only a few spots (i.e. electrical outlets and boxes, windows, and plumbing stub-outs).
  • If you have exteriors with clear perimeters (like painting the outside of a house, a garage, etc.), then spray painting is possible. Though, you may want to mask certain items (i.e. windows) on the house prior to spray painting.
  • Paint sprayers give you plenty of reassurance on the things that you spray paint. While using paint rollers makes paint drip-dry, spray painting lets you apply an even coat that will eventually dry like so.

Paint Rolling

Paint rolling is ideal for those who want more quality and patience. However, consider these scenarios when paint rolling:

  • You’ll find yourself masking less non-paintable areas when paint rolling. While masking may seem minimal with spray painting, you would still need to take into account how much paint will splash onto surfaces, if you don’t mask non-paintable areas.
  • Paint rolling is ideal for walls, ceilings, and interior only. While there’s slow and more physical work involved, paint rolling can still get the job done.
  • Using a paint roller is basic with these main supplies – There’s the roller, the roller cover, the paint tray, and the tray liner. Other supplies like a lint-free roller cover can be used, if desired.
  • While spray painting is a project that can take a day to do, paint rolling doesn’t require a day-long commitment. In fact, you can start rolling paint, come back later, and then do some more. And, since one gallon of paint can only cover about 150 to 200 sq. ft. of wall, it’s estimated that spray painting will require three gallons, versus the latter method, which only requires one gallon.
  • Spraying painting is more likely to waste more paint than paint rolling. Whereas, paint rolling is ideal for budget painters.
  • Paint rolling can cover almost every dirty surface. While it’s best to clean the surface before painting, you can still get away with paint rolling over one or two dirty surfaces. Whereas, spray painting can make dirty surfaces look worse.


So, which is better?

Well, that depends. While in some scenarios, they’re a chore, other times you’ll need to use both techniques to get the job done. Let’s dive deeper:

  • First, both techniques can be a chore – let alone messy. Both techniques require some kind of masking. Plus, there’s still a need to ensure that you don’t waste a lot of paint from over-spraying or needless dripping. And, both a sprayer and a roller need to be cleaned after projects, so that they can do their respective jobs.
  • In addition, there’s no rule saying that you have to choose either method. In fact, some painters will combine both spraying and rolling, which is called “back-rolling.” First, paint is sprayed onto a desire area, and then it’s immediately rolled down. This allows better adhesion when you paint.
  • Plus, no matter which painting method you choose, it’s important to spray paint and or roll in well-ventilated areas. The lack of ventilation creates a safety hazard for the painter.
  • Finally, paint rolling is cheaper than spray painting, because the cost of renting a paint sprayer averages at around $40 a day. However, for the fraction of the price, you can opt for a paint roller.


So, as you see, whether you spray paint or paint roll is up to you. Depending on the project that you partake, you may want to do your research first on which painting method is suitable. While spray painting is good for some projects, other projects may only call for the traditional method of paint rolling. Or, at other times, you can use both. But again, the choice is yours.

So, now that you know about both painting methods, we wish you good luck on your next paint project!

Kristin Herman is a writer and editor at Custom writing and Essay Roo. As a blogger, she specializes in home improvement, real estate, and DIY projects.

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