Clamped and glued furniture piece.

Essential Woodworking Supplies: Types of Glue


No designated furniture repair workspace is complete without a supply of different types of glue. There are many different wood glues on the market today, and each is designed to work in a slightly different manner. The biggest problem when it comes to glue is deciding which type to use for specific purposes. While some types of glue are stronger than others, it is important to use the best possible one to achieve the best results.

Following is a list of some of the most common types of glue used on wood furniture that should be kept in your workspace so it’s readily available when you need it:

PVA: This type of glue is also called Polyvinyl Acetate. It works best when trying to affix two pieces of wood together. It does not do as well on materials that are smooth like plastic or metal. PVA glue works best when it is clamped immediately after it is applied and left in place until it is thoroughly dry. It is not a good idea to use PVA glue on top of another type of old or dry glue because it will not stick efficiently. If you are going to use PVA glue, you must make sure that you remove all old glue from the surface beforehand. Although quite strong when dry, PVA glue is not always waterproof.

Polyurethane: This is a type of glue that is well known for its waterproof qualities. It is also a glue that sticks well to most surfaces – including smooth ones like plastic and metal. If you are going to refinish a piece of furniture that needs repairs, you should consider using Polyurethane glue because it absorbs both paint and stain very well. The downside to polyurethane glue is that it takes longer to dry or “cure” than other types of wood glue. Once dry, however, polyurethane glue is pretty much set for life! It is difficult to remove it – even with solvents.

Hide Glue: Hide glue is commonly used on wood furniture and wood cabinets. The name “hide” often misleads novice woodworkers into believing that it is supposed to only be used in areas that will not be seen or are “hidden.” But, the word hide actually means that the glue comes from animal products – which are commonly referred to as “hide.” Hide glue has been used for thousands of years to keep pieces of wood securely attached to each other. While there are many benefits to hide glue, this type of adhesive also presents two common problems: it tends to not work well in very humid environments and it does not last very long its container once open.

Yellow Glue and White Glue: Yelllow glue is sometimes referred to as “carpenter’s glue.” It is a versitile adhesive and it can can be applied in just about any environment and temperature. It’s a basic glue that works well for attaching two pieces of wood together. White glue is also considered a basic glue. It is meant for affixing lightweight materials together and is not the prefered type of glue to use in all situations. Even though yellow glue and white glue might not be the most durable types in the world, they both serve an important purpose and can be used effectively for many projects. Both yellow glue and white glue can usually be found for sale in either hardware stores or common places such as Target or Walmart.

There are many types of wood glue, and each has its own function. Wood glue is very effective and can hold items securely for many years. The most important aspect to consider when using wood glue is choosing the right type for the project.

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