Black stain from the rain.

Thank you for the great pro information. Our problem is that the previous owner of the house we just moved in has let one of the outside doors take the rain and there is now black stains on the bottom. I read on a French website (I’m from there…and my

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Latex paint over oil-based paint ON WALLS

When I bought my century old home, it had been completely repainted. Soon, after I noticed that the slightest bump or rub with furniture took the new paint right off. I’ve been in denial for years now. We’ve just been very careful not to “disturb” the paint. I now want

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Exterior Paint as Primer

I have several gallons of miscellaneous color latex paint that I would like to use as the primer coat. Is this OK or do I need to use a primer specific paint?

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What color should I paint the front door?

I have a dark red brick house with dark brown windows and cement trim above and below. There are concrete stairs and pillars at the front door with leaded glass and off white trim around the door. What color should I paint the front door?

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Roller marks?

Hi, I am painting a dining room, I have patched and sanded the walls until very smooth, I primed the walls with tinted primer, and I have now painted 2 coats on. The paint is very smooth to the touch, but there are slight roller marks when you look at

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Wall preparation before wallpapering.

I have stripped wallpaper and found that the walls have been previously painted. I have had to repair parts of the wall with filler. I want to repaper with lining paper and then repaint using matt emulsion. What is the best preparation before I put on the lining paper? Should

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