Is there an easy way to remove seized masking tape from trim?


I used blue tape to mask off the trim before painting, now the tape is stuck to the trim, at the edge that meets the wall, any easy way to get the seized masking tape off?

One Response

  1. Seized masking tape is a common problem. This usually happens when the masking tape is left attached for too long or is in direct sunlight. Unfortunately tape, including the blue painters tape, can be difficult to remove in these situations.

    It's possible the paint has built up on the edge of the tape and is holding it in place, in effect gluing the tape in place. If this is the case you will need to carefully cut the edge of the masking tape at the wall with a razor knife. The tape might still be difficult to remove.

    If the seized masking tape is stuck to the trim try using hot water and a clean rag to help loosen it up. Keep wetting a section at a time and carefully scrape off. Use a plastic putty knife, it is less likely to do damage to the trim.

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