Old Barn Paint

We have an older farm home that was painted with white barn paint approximately 22 years ago. Amazingly the paint has held up fairly well. We now want to change the colour to a darker grey. (with latex paint) Can we just paint over it or do we prime or

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Kitchen Color

Help. I have been staring at paint chips for my kitchen for months now and seem to be getting nowhere. There are lots of browns in my kitchen that are not getting changed at this time – cabinets, linoleum, and furniture. I want to add color (the walls have been

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Primer question.

Do I have to put 2 coats of primer on new spackle on ceiling or can I just use 1 and then use ceiling paint?

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Redoing base cabinets?

I am having new doors made. I’m in the processing of cleaning up the bases. I had sanded an area where it was water stained. I tried putting stain on and it did not take. Any ideas?

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Dark patches on wall by my head?

A few years ago, I redecorated my room and when I was painting, I realized that the wall behind my head had big dark patches. The paint covered them but now, 2 years later, they are back in force, and as the head of my bed was put in a

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