Can I restain my bathroom vanity?
My bathroom vanity cabinet is honey oak, feeling very dated. Can I stain them a darker colour to try to update them without having to replace them?
My bathroom vanity cabinet is honey oak, feeling very dated. Can I stain them a darker colour to try to update them without having to replace them?
My interior doors and trim all all a golden or honey oak and feel a bit dated. Can I update the doors by going with a darker stain, without having to do all the trim as well?
The doors have had multiple coast of varnish added over the years and we are trying to stripe them without much success.
Room is 10 ft x 12 ft, couch is red, carpet is dark green, room has 1 window and a sliding glass door. My husband wants to go dark but I’m not sure. What would be best?
The entry door assembly in a new New Jersey home is framed in painted wood, as are the two round wooden columns holding up the small front entry roof. The walls and windows are clad with vinyl. What type and frequency of exterior painting maintenance should I expect to do?
I’ve painted my office ceiling with black colour and install new carpet with dark grey on it and install a tempered glass partition. I just need some advice what colour should i paint my wall? I need to have a modern look to my office.
How do I fill the grain in a hardwood table top? I am using min wax poly shade for final finish (spraying).
I have an unsealed cut stone fireplace which I want to paint white. What paints should I use? Can I use an emulsion like I used on the walls, and what type of undercoat should I use?
We have some high gloss enamel metal door frames that were repainted (not known if with latex or oil base) and this paint is peeling off. Contractor “A” wants to strip down the frames, prime them and give 2 coats of enamel. “B” wants to remove loose paint and sand
I’m looking to paint my dining room. All the furniture in this room is dark mahogany. What would be the best paint colors to go with my furniture color?
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