Stretch Guard (life paint)

Is it really worth the cost to do Strech Guard on a so. Ca house? Is $14,000 really reasonable for a 1400 sq/ft house with a two car garage to paint (stucco w/ wood trim).

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Stain Hickory

I am about to stain a piece of Hickory wood. Should I use wood conditioner before staining or should I use wood grain filler before staining?

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Non smooth finish in bathroom.

I painted the bathroom walls with Benjamin Moore paint. The finish was smooth initially, but within 2-3 days small “sharp” irregularities in the finish developed. They are about 1 mm in size and give the wall a rough sensation when I run my hand over it. What are they caused

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Price too High?

Hi. I’m just starting out on my own to paint residential homes. My problem is I’m not sure if I’m charging too much. I’ve gotten some calls but they all grumble at my price. I’m good at what I do and I’m very clean. But I keep getting undercut by

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How do you remove a dark stain from wood cedar siding?

Our 25 yr old home was stained w/a dark stain, onto cedar siding. The stain has since become almost a black color. We’re considering removing the stain, or painting over it. Unsure of possibility of removing the stain, or how difficult the process may be. Suggestions?

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Paint Over Wallpaper

Walls were cleaned for me prior to painting, I then applied a wallpaper sealer to the walls, allowed over night drying then put two coats of acrylic with manufacturers drying time in between coats. A month later still tacky. Whats the cause and how do I remedy?

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Oil Base Kilz Primer

I tried to prime with the temp. outside at 28 degrees. The primer was like caulk, it would not spread. Any ideas? Can I thin the primer on cold days, if so what should I use for thinner?

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What is the best finish for my table?

I am making a table out of juniper. It looks a lot like cedar and looks great when a clear finish is added. The table has worm holes and just holes from the way the tree grows. I want to leave the holes because I think it gives it character.

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