What color to stain our cedar shakes?


I have a 2 story home with pillars in the front. The first story is brick in an earthy clay/red color. The 2nd story is cedar shakes. The roof, gutters and soffets are dark brown, white windows.

What color should I stain the cedar? It’s an older home where the shakes have already been painted.

2 Responses

  1. I would stain the cedar in a darker wood tone (like a dark brown, walnut-type effect, but not black). This will go with the older home where wood probably would have been natural wood, or stained darker at that time. The darker wood will also tone with the earthy tones in your home and give an all-natural look.

  2. A stain consisting of a blend of earth tones that are slightly darker, yet a bit more muted in saturation than the lower level may be a nice contrast to the roof and first story. A tannish color may work well also. In all honesty though, it is a little difficult to judge without a source image to go by.

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