Stain a Painted Vanity


I have a vanity that was once painted. I do not like the color of the paint and would love the dark wood look, is there any way to get this look without buying a new vanity.

2 Responses

  1. You have a couple of options.

    The best results will come from refinishing. Use a paint stripper to expose the wood and take a look at what you have. Paint can hide a lot of defects. Removing the paint and restaining with a gel stain is the best way to get the dark color you are after.

    Another option is repainting with a dart tan and applying a gel stain with a wood graining tool. This can be a good option, but is a little difficult to get right. You can experiment on a piece of scrap wood.

    It is worth trying the wood graining method. If this doesn't work for you then refinishing is your next option.

  2. You have a couple of options.

    The best results will come from refinishing. Use a paint stripper to expose the wood and take a look at what you have. Paint can hide a lot of defects. Removing the paint and restaining with a gel stain is the best way to get the dark color you are after.

    Another option is repainting with a dart tan and applying a gel stain with a wood graining tool. This can be a good option, but is a little difficult to get right. You can experiment on a piece of scrap wood.

    It is worth trying the wood graining method. If this doesn't work for you then refinishing is your next option.

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