Painting shower ceramic.


What do you mean by “two part” epoxy paint? Can you suggest a product for the shower wall that dries the fastest? One bath can’t go more than 2 days using the neighbors shower. Can’t find the paint on line. Can’t afford the expensive stuff. Any info greatly appreciated. Thanks

One Response

  1. 2 part epoxy has 2 separate components that must be mixed together before application. After mixing (according to the manufacture instructions) you will have a limited amount of time to use the epoxy. After this time the coating becomes unusable, typically 6-8 hours.

    One good epoxy is Pittsburgh Aquapon. This is a water based epoxy and it does dry fast. The only problem is good epoxy paints are expensive, retail about $140-150 per kit (2 gallons- 1 gallon part A and 1 gallon part B for the Aquapon). There really is no cheap epoxy.

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