Kitchen Cabinet Refinishing


Hi, I am refinishing a set of oak kitchen cabinets from a light oak to a medium walnut color. The interior, of course, is light. Should I leave them the light color or should I darken the inside as well? If I darken them what method should I take? What finish would you recommend, how many coats etc.

Thanks for the advice.

One Response

  1. For many reasons when we refinish a set of cabinets we leave the interior as light as possible.

    As for finish, I am not clear if you are asking for the interior finish or the exterior finish of the cabinets.

    For the interior, two good coats of polyurethane gloss varnish will hold up to most any abuse the interior of the cabinets will get.

    For the exterior, we like three to four coats of polyurethane varnish. I will always recommend a little thinning of the first coat of poly to make the sanding easier. We usually apply 2 coats of a gloss prior to whatever sheen level the homeowner wishes for the final coats.

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