Keeping Paint Off Screening When Painting a Screen Door


I have a new unpainted screen door that I am painting. I would like to avoid getting paint on the screening. Any suggestions? I am not particularly good with detail painting and I’m looking for a physical barrier that might help me avoid a big mess.

2 Responses

  1. I have a few suggestions that you can try.

    1) Use wide masking tape to protect the screen. 1 inch or wider will work well. Plus use regular tasking tape not the blue easy release type.

    2) Use a straight edge. A wide drywall knife would work well. Be careful of the corners as they might cut the screen.

    3) Remove the screen then reinstall after painting. This usually involves removing some small wood trim. The trim can be painted before reinstalling the screen.

    Removing the screen is the best way as all surfaces can be sealed from water, but is the most time consuming.

  2. I have a few suggestions that you can try.

    1) Use wide masking tape to protect the screen. 1 inch or wider will work well. Plus use regular tasking tape not the blue easy release type.

    2) Use a straight edge. A wide drywall knife would work well. Be careful of the corners as they might cut the screen.

    3) Remove the screen then reinstall after painting. This usually involves removing some small wood trim. The trim can be painted before reinstalling the screen.

    Removing the screen is the best way as all surfaces can be sealed from water, but is the most time consuming.

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