Glazing Problem


I glazed my first wall. I painted it first with 2 coats of a matte latex paint which came out fine. Then I used a glaze, a darker color added to it, ratio 1 part darker, 8 parts glaze (recommended by someone who had done it) I also used an extender. My practice board was easy and I thought it would be a piece of cake. Wrong. It dried way fast. I still like the effect but I have one spot that came out darker and stands out because I tried to fix. How do I remove some of the paint and glaze and reapply in the small spot without damaging what’s around it?

One Response

  1. Impossible to remove the glaze once dry. All that you can do is reglaze the wall, bypassing the dark spot, with new glaze. Increase the ratio to help blend, maybe 10-1. This will make the entire wall darker.

    The only alternative is to try a new glaze that is slightly lighter on the dark spot or repaint and start over.

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