Spar Varnish vs Polyurethane
Just refinished wood grained fiberglass exterior door & would like to know if spar varnish or polyurethane should be used as the finishing coat. What brand is the “best”?
Just refinished wood grained fiberglass exterior door & would like to know if spar varnish or polyurethane should be used as the finishing coat. What brand is the “best”?
The color around the edges and frames dried lighter than the rest of the room. I applied the paint with a brush. Any ideas on how I can fix this?
Had walls and ceiling textured, primed both, week after they were done, two weeks later painted ceiling with ceiling paint, and it has peeled off the new texture. What do I do, and why would this happen?
Does anyone still make a “flailing spindles” type of a drill motor accessory that can scrape off the bubbled up paint on the wood trim of houses?
My house faces south in the front and north in the rear. The rear clapboard is starting to need painting but now 10/1/2013, the dew stays around all morning. It is difficult for painters to start because of the dew. At 11 a.m., it is just beginning to dry (clapboard)
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