Tree staining new white exterior trim?

Spring on the east coast of Florida. We just primed and then painted our fascia board white. It rained last night and this morning we woke up to an intermittent brownish drip stain on the fascia board. Our oak tree is dropping seed pods right now. Are the seeds the

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Cedar House- Nightmare

This house was built in the 80’s; cedar siding and peeling everywhere. Not really sure what’s on it in the previous coats, but now has a solid stain. Not sure just yet if its oil or latex. I definitely need to power wash it and scrape it. Do I need

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White chalky splotches.

Late last summer we first primered our house with a red tinted Kilz. Then we painted with a latex exterior Red. Now, on occasion, white chalk like splotches appear on certain areas. Can I fix this problem?

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Need Some help On a Materials List

Hello to all my fellow Painting Friends. OK so here is my thought, I am working on making a Materials check list, to make available to anyone who visits, I have started making a list and thought what better way then to reach out to all of you. This

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Dark corners after 2 coats of paint.

White rooms had not been painted in 20 years. Corners near ceiling had darkened. One room had been painted light blue (latex). Professional painters from a reputable company applied 2 coats of Aura matte ancient ivory paint the same day in all rooms. I still see darker corners. The formerly

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Paint color for front door and trim?

House is cream yellow vinyl siding with Spanish moss colored shutters. Roof is weathered wood color shingles. What color is best for front door, that will make it “pop”? And what color will work for house trim?

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Paint peeling off spackled spots as I paint?

I spackled spots on my walls and left dry to the next day. Respackled over those same spots as needed and left dry again over night. Sanded these spots and wiped dust clean. Then primed all the walls and ceiling and left dry overnight. Put finish paint on and primer

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