Elastomeric Paint on Wood

I live in the southwest and was recommended to use an elastomeric paint on my exterior wood (fascia board, siding) because of its durable qualities. Which manufacturers of this paint make an elastomeric paint for wood? And, is this really a good idea to use this paint?

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Re-staining Cedar Paneling to a Light Gray

I am hoping to be able to stain the dark red cedar paneling to a light gray. Is it possible to get a light gray color on the paneling or should I just paint it? I really wanted the wood grain to come through but it is way too dark

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Painting old tin ceiling.

I’ve scrapped, repaired, de-rusted an old tin ceiling. I primed it with a oil-based rust inhibiting primer. I was planning on using oil-based paint as the top coats. Having a hard time finding any. Can I top coat with a latex paint? Thank you, Lisa

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