Please help with a botched ext. elastomeric paint job!

I would be most grateful if you could advise me with any option(s)regarding a botched exterior elastomeric paint job. We live in a 80+ year old masonary stucco home. Over time cracks developed as well as peeling paint. Our general contractor hired a painting company to paint our house. Prior

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Plastered exterior wall.

I have a plastered concrete wall that is quite rough and shows marks after applying undercoat. Will applying 3 top coats help? I’m using water base paints.

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Polyurathane vs Satin Paint for Stripes

I have a wall in my living room that I want to make an accent wall by painting stripes of the same color (which is currently flat) in a different sheen. I was watching a home improvement show and they used polyurethane to make 12″ stripes and it looked great.

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Primer and Temperature

What are the guidelines for outdoor temperature when using alkyd primer (Benjamin Moore). The air should be dry – not humid and around 50 – 55 degrees- is this OK?

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Elastomeric paint instead of shelf paper.

What are your thoughts on using an elasotomeric paint as a replacement for kitchen shelf paper? Shelf paper is slow to install, and I thought it might be easier, and cheaper, to paint the bottom of drawers and cabinets to provide a waterproof, easy to clean surface.

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