What wall paint color goes with my dining room trim?


I have a smaller dining room with medium cherry color wood floors and the same color oak trim. I currently have red walls but I’m selling my house soon and my realtor suggested I change the wall color. He said a neutral color that would make the wood trim “pop”. I was thinking a mocha color might look good. Any ideas would be very helpful, thank you!

2 Responses

  1. A mocha color would look great with that trim. It would make the trim really pop. Have you considered a dark brown as well? I would say anything with brown in it (light brown, dark brown, mocha) would look great.

  2. I think your realtor is definitely on the right track! Personally, I would go with something a little lighter than the mocha color. That can tend to look almost TOO brown, and my fear would be that you would be left with dark-ish walls and dark floors. So a rich tan color may be a good decision that would certainly make the floor color pop and look good in the light.

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