Tacky Varathane


I stripped an oak table, then sanded with 60 grit sandpaper, then 120 grit, then 220 grit. Next, I bleached it and the following day I applied Wood Grain Filler, wiping it off with burlap. 2days latter I stained it with Minwax Natural Oil based stain. 2days after that, I applied Varethane oil based semi-gloss Polyurethane. It has been 10 days since and there are some areas that are still gummy to touch. Any info will be appreciated.

One Response

  1. This could have been caused by a bad batch of Varethane, the finish wasn't fully mixed before application or a reaction with one of the other products used. Also if applied too thick or a second coat was applied before the first wasn't fully dry this can cause a soft finish. Usually the finish will harden with time.

    If it is still soft and gummy you will have to strip it and start over with a different finish. Careful stripping could leave the stain intact.

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