Should I paint a primer on my fiberglass door?


Cannot find a professional in my area to restain and finish my front door. A friend (carpenter) did it for me. He tried to strip the old stain, but was unsuccessful. Instead; he painted or used a primer of some sort – then, used gel stain over that. He polyurethaned it but I don’t like how “choppy” it looks. You can see bristle lines and it is very uneven. I would like to restain it. I have read all of your blogs related to this topic. I plan to strip the finish and the stain – then start over. However, should I apply a paint or primer to my fiberglass door before putting on new stain?

One Response

  1. You would be better off stripping everything, all coating, off your door and starting over. Adding more layers of primer/paint/stain/varnish could cause many problems with peeling and total failure of the different coatings.

    Check with a local auto paint store for a good paint stripper that will work on fiberglass. They deal with tough coatings all the time and fiberglass is a component of many cars so they should have something suitable.

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