My exterior house color is cream, what would be the best color to paint the exteior door?


My exterior house color is cream, and I am wondering what the best color would be to paint the exterior door in order to go with the body of the house?

2 Responses

  1. With the home being such a neutral color you can paint your front door in wide array of colors. If you are considering " cool " colors pick a deep tone such as a cobalt blue instead of a powder blue. Remember that the front entry door is a focal point of the home, you want to bring attention to the door. There are traditional colors such as red or green, but try to pick a burgundy red or a forest green instead of the more common colors.

  2. With the home being such a neutral color you can paint your front door in wide array of colors. If you are considering " cool " colors pick a deep tone such as a cobalt blue instead of a powder blue. Remember that the front entry door is a focal point of the home, you want to bring attention to the door. There are traditional colors such as red or green, but try to pick a burgundy red or a forest green instead of the more common colors.

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