Lighten Already Stained Cabinets


Is it possible to lighten already stained cabinets. My cabinets are stained darker then I want them. I used cherry wood stain. I prefer them lighter without the red cast. What can I do? I chose the wrong color stain when I refinished the kitchen cabinets. Can I strip them again and get the existing stain out. I used Miniwax gel.

2 Responses

  1. Removing a large portion of the gel stain will require stripping. It is possible to use a wood lightener, like bleach, to reach a lighter color. This is worth trying. But, stripping is still your best bet.

    Once you have removed most or all of the stain, make sure to test the new color on a piece of wood that approximates you existing cabinets.

  2. Removing a large portion of the gel stain will require stripping. It is possible to use a wood lightener, like bleach, to reach a lighter color. This is worth trying. But, stripping is still your best bet.

    Once you have removed most or all of the stain, make sure to test the new color on a piece of wood that approximates you existing cabinets.

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