How to blend light blue to dark blue on a wall?


I’m planning on painting a park mural on a wall. I would like to paint a light blue sky on one wall (this is day time at the park) and end up with dark, dark, blue on the opposite wall (night time at the park). I want the sky to be gradually getting darker on the wall that connects the night sky to the day sky. So 1st wall will be daylight at the park, then 2nd wall will be the sky gradually getting darker, and 3rd wall will be night time at the park. I’m not sure how I would blend the blue paint so it looks like the sky is gradually getting darker. Do I just use my daytime blue paint and my night time blue paint to mix together? Is this even possible to do?

2 Responses

  1. The best way to achieve the desired result is to paint vertical sections of the wall, about 30 centimeters at a time. Mixing the paint together (as long as they are both the same type – I'm assuming water based) would be the best idea. Start with the paint of the wall you are painting from, then gradually add the colour of the wall you are approaching as you go along. You should have an idea of how much paint it takes to paint a wall from the 1st and 3rd wall you have done already – make sure you have about 1/2 of what you would need to paint that wall, with the starting colour. Gradually add the other colour as you move along the wall. If you add too much and it’s dark or light, don't worry just add a little more of the other colour to balance it out. Painting this way should enable you to have a gradual colour change, which tends to look seamless, without a sudden transition. Just remember to go slow and get it right the first time.

  2. Sometimes it becomes difficult to realize the output of the blend you are going to have in order to attain the required color. To attain a color as you require blend medium to dark latex semi-gloss blue for the bottom of the wall and lighter shade of same paint at the top of the wall.

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