Help my door is still white primer!


I painted my house yellow, my roof is a golden brown architectural shingles, the shutters are a gray blue color called stone, the trim is white. What color should I paint the door?

2 Responses

  1. I suggest you to paint a brown color for the door which matches for your house. The combination of a brown color looks very classic and attractive or you may use a greenish brown shade for your door which looks natural or you may paint it a lite reddish color which looks very modern.

  2. If this was me, I'd paint the door the color to match the shingles. A different color than the ones you listed would look too busy and I think painting it to match the shingles will make it look less busy than the rest of the house, and that is what I would think you'd want the door to be. My second choice would be to keep it white like the trim.

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