Gloss Over Gloss


Well I found out the hard way, doing my doors, baseboards and trims. I painted my gloss over “gloss” 3 times. (Only one door) I still see the brush strokes. Just found out I should have “primed” and asking if I can now just go over with the correct “prime paint” and repaint again?

One Response

  1. Seeing brush strokes, in of itself, is no reason to disqualify work… unless of course you severely brushed the surface and left unusual marks… Tip: Learn how to brush… and many times for large surfaces like doors or cabinet sides etc… using a roller with a short nap (3/8in) will give a satisfactory finish… but again, you will end up with a stipple finish… which is totally acceptable for modern large surface finishes…

    There is no need to have primed the previously painted surface, priming will not have cured your unacceptable results and priming is only required for certain applications… read more at my site:
    Try sanding the surface now to remove your unacceptable work, then do it over, with the fore mentioned advice…

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