How to Choose Paint Colors that You’ll Love Living With

Deciding on interior paint colors for you home isn’t a life-altering experience, but it can certainly be stressful and intimidating. It’s disheartening to spend an entire weekend painting a room and having it turn out lighter, darker or brighter than you imagined, and while people always try to wait and

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Choosing Color: How Color Affects Mood

Blue or red might be a favorite color, but before choosing a paint color for a particular room, think about how color influences mood. For example, while a color like red may have just the energizing effect you’d like in a dining room or family room, it may be too

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Painting Brick

All brick is almost always beautiful, but if you want to spice up any space, it would be a good idea to paint your brick. For light, airy spaces, such as a kid’s room, try bright colors like sky blue, lime green, and perywinkle. For more adult-friendly spaces, go with

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Making Wise Colour Choices

Try a fairly large size of paint sample. How often have you heard DIY painters say, “It looked so different on the wall!” Unless you’re an experienced painter, it’s hard to guess how your chosen colour will look on a wall or on all four walls and the ceiling, just

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Fabulously decorated room with gold colored walls and bright ceiling and trim.

Tips for Choosing Interior Paint Colors

Fresh paint gives your home new life! How can you be sure to choose the colors that will make you feel best about your home’s new look? Here are some tips for making the choices you’ll love over the long term: Look at your color scheme holistically — don’t update

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Start with what makes you happy!

It’s just that simple! Visualize the places where you have happy memories – hiking in the woods in spring, sunrise on the beach, picnic in the park in the fall, a spa, a fancy hotel room/lobby, whatever. Now isolate the colors associated with that memory: fresh greens, deep browns, robin’s

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