Cleaning Your Airless Sprayer for Optimal Performance

Cleaning an airless sprayer seems straight forward, but there some important things to think about. Some materials are difficult to clean out, requiring the use of water and a final rinse of hot thinner. How do you change over to another material? Proper storage is another concern. Can you store

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Wood pergola stained with a semi-solid exterior wood stain.

How to Choose the Best Wood Stain for Your Project

In order to choose the best wood stain for the job, consider the look you are going for and what conditions the wood will be under. Certain looks work better with certain stains. In addition, some conditions like exterior wood and wooden decks require specially formulated stains as well. Stains

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A coat of bright red paint on a wall showing the cut-in and white background.

Use a Tinted Primer Under Dark or Vibrant Colors

Many manufactures offer tinted primers specifically formulated to be used under dark colors. Plus, these same paint manufactures recommend using primers that are tinted to specific colors under many different paint colors for the best hiding and color holdout. The use of deep and vibrant colors is on the increase.

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Wallpaper primed and ready for paint.

Should I Remove Wallpaper or Paint Over It?

When it comes to improving the looks of a room that is already wallpapered, it always comes down to the same question: remove the wallpaper or paint over it? Really, whether you should remove wallpaper or paint over depends on several factors, but the short answer is: remove it if

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Wallapered walls primed, skimmed and ready for painting.

How to Paint Over Wallpaper

It’s not always feasible to remove existing wallpaper. If your walls are damaged, the paper has already been painted over, or if it was installed directly over unsealed drywall, the best option may be to paint over it. The key to professional results is proper preparation. Don’t be tempted to

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Sanding the wall after removing the wallpaper.

Painting After Removing Wallpaper

If you’ve gone through the hassle of removing old wallpaper before painting, congratulations! The worst part is over. What do you do now? Thankfully painting after removing wallpaper involves just a few simple steps. Remove any remaining glue Wallpaper usually leaves some glue behind when it’s removed. Use TSP (trisodium

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A dirty paint brush soaking in solvent.

How to Clean and Store a Latex Paint Brush

After spending money to invest in a high-quality paint brush, taking the time to clean it thoroughly is essential. Although the process is not difficult, it will take some time and patience to make sure that all the paint is removed and the brush is completely clean. Latex paint brushes

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Using a airless paint sprayer to paint a ceiling.

Airless Paint Sprayers – An Excellent Way to Paint

Airless paint sprayers are one of the best inventions of all time. Only the brush and roller can be considered more important. Airless sprayers can apply a wide range of coatings and finishes in less time than any other application method. Plus, apply the coating at any thickness desired. The

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An old Titan gas powered airless paint sprayer. Showing all parts and accessories.

How to Use an Airless Sprayer Like a Pro

Spraying paint is a great way to save time, but using an airless sprayer can also be dangerous or waste paint if used incorrectly. Most painting contractors use an airless paint sprayer that can spray an average house in just a few hours, 6-8 hours is typical per coat. For

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An assortment of Graco RAC 5 and RAC 10 paint sprayer tips.

How to Choose the Right Paint Spray Tip

Choosing the correct airless paint spray tip for your application can be a difficult one. This choice can affect the operation and effectiveness of the entire airless spray system. The manufacture will have recommendations for the max airless tip size. This is the best place to start, but this tip

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