A home's exterior painted by Sharper Impressions

Things to Consider When You Decide to Paint Your Home

When deciding to paint your home, the first decision you need to make is whether you should paint it yourself or if you should hire a professional to do it. Initially, it may seem that painting yourself is going to be the most cost effective and cost efficient course to

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Spackling the tape edge to get a painted straight clean line between two paint colors.

Straight Clean Lines Between Two Paint Colors

Clean Straight Lines: How to get crisp lines between two colors. We’ve all seen the commercials: the lady pulls away the blue tape to reveal the sharpest line between to colors you could possibly imagine. You say, “Wow, that looks nice! I want to do that!” So you go down

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Back Rolling: Your secret weapon

One of the most effective and lesser-known tricks that the professional painter uses is called back rolling. Back rolling is the act of using a roller to spread paint across a surface immediately after spraying. Back rolling pushes paint into cracks and wood grain, dramatically improving the finished look of

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Paint Spraying a Steel Door

For the best possible results paint spraying a steel door is the way to go. Painting a steel door with a paint sprayer can produce the smoothest possible finish as long as a few simple guide lines are followed. Before starting up the sprayer properly prepare the door and frame.

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Using a paint roller to paint a steel door.

Paint Rolling a Steel Door

Another painting method for steel doors is using a roller. Rolling a steel door will produce a beautiful even finish. Painting a steel door with a roller will produce a fine even stipple that is more pleasing than brush marks.   The materials and tools you use will affect the

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Brushing Steel Doors

A popular painting method is with a brush and brushing steel doors is an easy project. Painting a steel door is possible with the door installed on the frame or placed on sawhorses. The door installed on the frame will allow both sides to be painted at the same time.

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Staining a Fiberglass Door

Embossed fiberglass is a low maintenance substitute to the standard wood door. Plus, staining a fiberglass door can be easier than working with wood. The main difference between wood and fiberglass is the type of stain and its application. Embossed, wood grained, fiberglass can’t absorb the stain like wood. A

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Front doors finish sprayed in red.

Painting a Steel Door

Often there is some confusion about painting a steel door. Many homeowners have heard about the problems associated with painting pre-primed steel doors. Some of these problems are excessive peeling of the paint on the door or frame and difficulty to hide brush strokes on a smooth surface. Most problems

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Painting Concrete Block

A properly painted concrete block wall will be virtually maintenance free for many years, but the same wall not properly painted can be a maintenance nightmare. There are just a few critical differences between a good and a bad paint job. The main considerations you need to think about are

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Using a Proper Airless Spraying Method

A good and proper airless spraying method is necessary to maintain consistency of the film thickness and achieve the best aesthetic results. This method is very easy to do with a little practice. Once you get used to spraying paint with an airless you will find yourself spraying everything! Back

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