If you want to make a small room appear larger, or simply give your walls an interesting textural look, consider painting the walls with two or more layers of paint. There are a few painting techniques for walls that make use of the layering effect to achieve an appearance of depth

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Creating Intricate Patterns with Paint

Creating intricate patterns with paint on room walls is a process that requires patience and creativity. It also requires the use of proper tools and plenty of time to complete the project. If company is coming in 24 hours it may not be the best time to begin an intricate

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Painting a Zebra Print Focal Wall

When decorating a room, sometimes the desire to do something truly unique comes into play. Designing a focal point, entire wall, adding accessories, or remodeling can each be a contributing factor to creating something that stands out in a most significant manner. Painting a zebra print focal wall can accomplish

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Faux Painting Walls to Look Like Wood Paneling

Faux painting is a popular painting technique for creating texture and design. On walls, a professional faux painter can create everything from a Tuscan villa to a tropical beach. For the do it yourself homeowner, faux painting can give access to wall treatments that may be too expensive or require

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Steel Colored Walls: The Perfect Backdrop to Display Art

Rainbows of colors are available for painting walls, but not all will complement your choice of artwork. There are specific colors that work well with wall art, and some that take so much away from the artwork itself that it will go almost unnoticed with that particular choice of paint.

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Ceiling Faux Painting – Illusions and Medallions

Brighten up a room and add some personality to the space by adding faux finishes and medallions to the ceiling. Ceiling painting has been around for centuries and although the finish in your home may not equal that of the masters, it can create a beautiful illusion that will alter

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Creating a Rag Faux Finish in the Kitchen

Updating the kitchen can be a timely task. A simple way to add a bright new look to the room, without the expense of a complete remodel, is to repaint the walls. This time, instead of a flat, solid color, spice up the room with a faux rag finish on

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Using Stencils to Decorate the Family Room

Creating a unique look in the family room can be challenging. The room is used by many different family members and usually for many different purposes all on the same day. Stenciling is a great way to convey the theme of the room, the family’s passions and interests, and the

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Faux Painting is One of the Fun Painting Techniques

I love faux painting. It just makes your walls look unique and personalizing them by using a blend you choose is even more special. This was a project many years ago in a fixer-upper. The great thing about it is if you mess up you can just paint your base

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Creating Multiple Pinstripes in a Living Room

Stripes, especially pinstripes, are very classy and elegant, but they can also add a manly touch to any room, much like the classic pinstripe look that is very sexy and high-class. Creating multiple pinstripes in a living room does not require hiring a contractor or taking classes first, although these

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