Touch-up Paint and Texture
Every touch up paint job once dried and viewed from a side angle looks faded and really stands out from the rest of the wall. It also feels rougher than the not touched up original wall.
Every touch up paint job once dried and viewed from a side angle looks faded and really stands out from the rest of the wall. It also feels rougher than the not touched up original wall.
We have some painted fences in a cream color and some fencing that is redwood and not painted. How can I make all of the fences around my house look the same?
I have installed pine beadboard on a short wall that I want to finish. I want to achieve a “honey” color. I’ve been told to simply use a polyurathane and the wood “ages” and I’ll receive the desired color. Others have told me to use varnish. What’s the difference? And
I purchased about 15 gallons of Rodda Weather Performance exterior flat latex neutral paint, #51 1204 5. Trouble is, it wasn’t until getting it home and trying it on a swath of our house that I realized it isn’t white, but neutral base. I am hoping you can tell me
Have almost a full gallon of flat paint. Don’t need more paint. Need gloss instead.
Have a tan cape and currently have rust red shutters and a front paneled door in white and green. Want to change shutter color altogether and repaint door. Trim is white, roof is a tan brown weave look.
My neighbor wants me to paint her fence. It is 1464’sq. It doesn’t need scraping. It does need prep work at ground level. She is paying for the paint. How much should I charge her.
Interior primer/paint slid off lower half of part of one wall in a room I painted. Paint in that area was not dry at all 4hrs after first coat. Paint above and to sides of that area dry; other walls painted and recoated without problems.
Floor in shower is stained and sinks have lost luster. Fiberglass. Is there a paint to use on these? Epoxy?
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