Entry Door Color
White vinyl siding and kelly green shutters. Entry door has full length oval beveled glass center. I need some complimentary paint colors for the door.
White vinyl siding and kelly green shutters. Entry door has full length oval beveled glass center. I need some complimentary paint colors for the door.
Our home has a blue steel roof. We need to repaint, but having trouble choosing the color. We’re also thinking of adding shutters–so we’ll need a color suggestion for them also. The partially exposed basement area has the “mottled’ brick to consider in the color scheme. Please help!
What is the best paint to put on corrugated plastic roofing? My deck is covered in this clear corrugated plastic and it’s like a green house in the summertime. I love my roof and don’t want to replace it so thought painting it would be a better idea than draping
We have had 2 painters tell us different things, one says use just a lacquer on the ceilings and the other says use a stain so it want change colors. We don’t want the wood to get darker over period of time. One painter says that if we use just
I am installing a wood soffit and need a clear finish on the wood. The wood is white cedar and I don’t want it to yellow or turn grey. Any suggestions on what to use to keep the natural color?
So far I’ve only done one chair, but I stained it 3 times and the color still wasn’t dark enough. So I let it sit over night and I didn’t wipe all of the left over stain off because I like it dark. My question is; what can I do
When I am bidding on a paint job, can I add a percentage of my insurance to the job?
I have a picket fence made from pressure treated lumber. The pickets are fastened to the rails with galvanized finish nails set flush to slightly below the surface and unfilled. Furthermore, the fence is about 8 years old and finished with SW solid white stain. The problem at this point
I have a house full of stained woodwork and some is severely faded. The painters have told me just to sand it, wipe it with mineral spirits and polyurethane it with a satin finish to bring it back. I am wondering if I should consider using the stain and polyurethane
The exterior of my house is ship-lap. I am repainting it and was wondering what nap roller I should use? Then, do I follow-up behind the roller and hit the seams and drips with a brush? Or what is the best technique since I will not have a sprayer?
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