Exterior paint colors and green roof?
What exterior colors match a green metal roof on an older cedar siding house in rustic setting?
What exterior colors match a green metal roof on an older cedar siding house in rustic setting?
I am painting the ceiling in my en-suite, which is the first time I have painted since buying the ex-show house. When rolling, the original paint is lifting and leaving large bare patches to the plaster underneath and the only thing I can think of is to fill the holes
My bedroom paint is peeling off all the way down to the bare drywall and joint compound?? I had this home built in 1996, could it be that room was not primed first? And how can I even it out between the coats of paint and the bare drywall? I’m
I painted latex in a bathroom that I didn’t know had oil based paint on it. Now it is bubbling and I want to fix it. How do I fix the bubbling paint?
Our home is red brick (rust red) and has a green roof (forest green). What colors would you recommend we paint the exterior window trim, window headers, window sills and shutters? Also, what color would you recommend for the trim of the exterior steel storm door and wood interior door?
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