Painted gutters with interior paint.
Accidentally painted new bonderized steel gutters with interior satin paint. There is a coat of primer underneath. Do I need to do something to fix this?
Accidentally painted new bonderized steel gutters with interior satin paint. There is a coat of primer underneath. Do I need to do something to fix this?
Our exterior 9 light door has a drippy sticky white goo dripping from the molding that holds the window in place. It looks bad. I would like to remove the drips and repaint the door but so far, nothing I’ve tried will remove the glue or what ever it is.
I’m offered 1.25sq foot to paint a home including materials,cabinets, ceiling. So the question is do I count windows or do I measure the floor 10×10=100sq and that is my answer or wall height 8 X 10 times two subtracting the window spaces? Thank you for you time answering the
The house we are living in is sort of old and the people that lived here before obviously had chipped paint and didn’t remove in before they painted over it and the walls look horrible. Is there any way I can get the painted over chipped paint off so the
I want too paint my house. Inside, the walls have semi gloss paint on them. Know I want to change colors to a natural color. What do I do to prepare for it? I am using eggshell paint this time.
I sanded my oak cabinets to put a darker colour stain on them and I guess I sanded them too much in places and the stain won’t take. They look awful. What can I do?
I have a plaster ceiling that I primed. It came out absolutely smooth. I then painted it with a ceiling paint and my roller left behind nap marks over my smooth primed ceiling. Is there any way to restore my ceiling to the smooth surface I had before?
Hi, we need to waterproof our stucco house. I was thinking about caulking around the vinyl windows with polyurethane sealant (where stucco butts up against vinyl), applying 2 coats of Loxon XP around each window/caulking (6″ perimeter), then painting the entire house with elastomeric breathable paint. Does this sound like
I have a bag of metal flakes like you see on bikes, boat or car finishes. Can I use a paving paint on my concrete floor and then add the metal flakes to a clear finish paint to give the floor a sparkle finish. What brands of paving paint or
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