A vanity painted with light crackle paint over a darker background.

What Are the Different Types of Decorative Paints?

There are many types of decorative paints available today. Although these specialized products tend to be more expensive than most standard paints, they can greatly simplify your decorative painting efforts. They also tend to produce very consistent results. Crackle Paint Crackle painting is a fun way to make surfaces look

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A bunch of open paint cans. All sizes and colors.

Guide to Environmentally Friendly Paint

At first glance the various options for eco-friendly paint can be a bit overwhelming. There is a wide variety of brands that now offer environmentally friendly paints, as well as different types of paint. When considering making the “green” choice for your next painting project there are a few different

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What’s in Your Paint, and Why You Should Care

House paint is made up of three main things: pigment (that’s the colour), a binder to keep the colour all together and make it stick to your walls, and a solvent, which keeps the paint liquid. The solvent can be anything from water to alcohol or petroleum products. The important

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Three cans of Krylon spray paint.

Tips for a Smooth Finish Using Spray Paint

From sprucing up old furniture to giving picture frames a cohesive look, spray paint is ideal for projects that are smaller in scale. Items with multiple and uneven surfaces can prove tricky to cover thoroughly with paint when using a normal paint brush or roller. Brushes also have a tendency

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A large group of paint spray cans.

Spray Paint: A Budget-Friendly Decorating Solution

Decorating with a can of spray paint is an inexpensive alternative to purchasing new furniture and accessories. Spray paint can be found in almost any color and finish which makes it the perfect paint for a quick project. Add life to old patio furniture, mailboxes and accessories with the simple

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Low VOC Paint – Reduce the Fumes and Reduce Your Risk

When you think about painting the inside of your house, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? The mess, the stress, the fumes? It all sounds like mere inconvenience, but did you know that the fumes can actually be harmful to your health? Most paints and varnishes emit Volatile

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How to Paint Over Oil-Based Paint Successfully

When you want to redecorate your home, painting is usually the easiest way to transform spaces within. A gallon of paint is much less expensive than rolls of wallpaper or sections of paneling. It is also less expensive than replacing handrails and mailboxes with chipped paint. The problem can arise,

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How to Repair Damaged Wood on Your Home’s Exterior

Damaged wood must be repaired before refinishing it. Not only will your paint job look bad when applied over the damage, but if the wood has water-damage or severe rot, the paint will not adhere properly. Before you repair the damaged wood, you must find and eliminate the source of

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Essential Tips for Effective Paint Sanding

While scraping is the first step of many painting tasks, the preparation should be finished by sanding away rough edges to create smooth, flat surfaces. It is important to feather – which means blend and even out – in order to minimize the hard edge of any remaining paint surfaces.

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Using a orbital sander on a wood door.

A Beginner’s Guide to Paint Sanding Techniques

Most interior and exterior paint jobs require at least some sanding. By removing surface defects, such as paint runs, brush strokes, and hard edges (especially when paint has been scraped away) you’ll help your paint adhere better and create a more beautiful finish. Sanding is typically a multi-step process. Start

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